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Entanglement in process with Carol and Martha copy_edited.jpg


Rochester Contemporary Art Center, Entanglement, Entanglement drawing, graphite drawing, art studio, art opening, NYS Council on the Arts grant, collaborative community project

Visitors engage with Susan Begy's in-process Entanglement graphite drawing project featured at State of the City exhibition

at Rochester Contemporary Art Center, October 2022

The Entanglement project was made possible with funds from Statewide Community’s Regrants Program, a regrant program of the NYS Council on the Arts with the support of

the Office of the Governor and the NYS Legislature and administered by the Genesee Valley Council on the Arts.

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In her drawings, Susan Begy uses large twisted forms made up of smaller images to tell narratives.

 Using similar twisted forms, she makes carved stone sculptures that often incorporate materials such as steel, glass, or found objects.

Power dynamics, polarity, and hypocrisy, are key themes in Begy's work.

Her sculptures and drawings, simultaneously elegant and uncomfortable, often reflect upon nurturance and conflict.

Her collaborative projects playfully reimagine human interactions and institutions. 

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